
The worry and stress of having to move Mel into care disappears during those 90 minutes together on the trishaw”

Before Mel’s diagnosis of Parkinson’s and Lewy Body Dementia, Mel and Sim were an active couple that loved skiing and hiking together. However, in the eight years since his diagnosis, their normal activities had slowly disappeared from their lives until their adventures in the trishaw began.

“Se faire du bien, le temps d’une balade à vélo” 

Noémie, notre plus jeune cycliste bénévole : “Cet été, j’ai été témoin sous mes yeux de la puissance d’une grande chaîne de beauté. Des organisateurs, jusqu’aux pédaleurs, jusqu’aux passagers, il y a beaucoup de joie, et de mercis qui se sont donnés dans les deux sens. À vélo sans âge, c’est beaucoup de beau pour tout le monde. Ca m’a fait vraiment du bien de trouver cet endroit où c’est la bienveillance dans les relations entre humains qui prime. Juste se faire du bien ensemble, le temps d’une balade en vélo”

“with the use of transfer equipment, more of our long-term care residents are able to get outside and enjoy this wonderful activity”

After many faithful visits from his granddaughter, Joe surprised her when she arrived and he was proudly seated in the trishaw. Together they explored the neighbourhood giving Joe a better sense of where his new home was located and giving his granddaughter a better sense of who Joe was.  He opened up and started sharing stories he had never shared before.

“Que Sera Sera, whatever will be will be…”

With a newfound zest for life on the trishaw, Elana can often be seen singing as she tours her neighbourhood. The freedom that she feels as they cycle by a preschool, through the park and down the main street brings so much joy and excitement to her, she can’t help by sing.

Un témoignage à apporter, une anecdote à raconter? Écrivez-nous!

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Repérez les antennes de votre région à l’aide de la carte ci-dessous.  Cliquez sur l’icône de votre choix pour afficher les coordonnées de la personne responsable. Sachez toutefois qu’environ 50 % des antennes sont administrées par des résidences pour aînés et ne desservent que leurs résidents.

  • Chapters with trishaws
  • New chapters fundraising for trishaws